Features and Benefits |
Database Management System powered by relational model of architecture is a common and most efficient coice of storage, retrieval and manipulation of data or information.. Audits are the periodical verification, review and conformity assessment of the existing practices, procedures and systems for compliance
Lean Manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing methodology which injects Quality into the processes with respect to time and requirements of the customer with minimum inventory flow. 5S (Sorting, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain) is a modern driving tool or housekeeping technique to maintain the work environment clean and safe, resulting the productivity and quality of the products . Kaizen is a trending path for rate of change of improvement by virtue of time to align with the orientation of the changing customer requirements and demanding market competitions. TQM (Total Quality Management) is a management philosophy through which the objectives of the organization are satisfied in cost effective and efficient manner by embracing the needs and expectations of the customers and community